Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Andy's Vision for Ottawa's Future

I am here today to talk about my long range Vision for Ottawa.
I have a vision and a practical solution for the homeless. I’ll make it a public in the next week.

Leadership is all about having vision,

My first vision is BUS RAPID  TRANSIT
I have already been extolling my vision of the Bus Rapid Transit. Let me just say my vision will immediately save well over 1 billion dollars – perhaps 2 or 3 billion dollars for the taxpayers.

If we focus on just on the downtown Tunnel which will be built. …  What do we do with all the rock which is removed from the tunnel?

This leads to my second Vision for Ottawa.

Rather than paying to just remove that rock from the Bus Rapid Transit Tunnel, we can use it to build a low level dam on the Ottawa River.
This past summer clearly identified the effect of low water levels in the Ottawa River and a fantastic tourist and recreational asset was marginalized.

To my mind, a relatively low level dam across the Ottawa River, just below Britannia would provide a number of advantages.

1.                 Lac Deschenes would always be at a constant water level, thus facilitating the continued recreational and tourism benefits this waterway provides.

2.                 Some power generation is easily attainable which would result in a return on our investment – divided between Gatineau and Ottawa

3.                 A physical connection between the
Western Parkway
and the lower
Alymer Road
would then be easily accomplished.

4.                 Most importantly     this plan would result in a guaranteed reservoir of water for our Water Treatment Plant.   It appears that water levels are going to be continuing to lower due to climate change and this preventative measure is going to be essential for our future.

Once again – an investment in your community with fantastic financial returns.

Prince Of Wales Bridge is my third vision
My third vision is dealing with the bus AND TRUCK congestion from Quebec and the accident-inducing situation on King Edward.

A structural engineer has examined the Prince of Wales Bridge

1-     Only the piers need to be upgraded to meet earthquake standards

2-      The bridge can be cantilevered so that, in addition to the existing rail, additional traffic lanes can be built on either side of the tracks.

3-     This will provide a bus connection between the STO and Ottawa’s Bus Rapid Transit Network.

4-     A large transfer station will be constructed on LeBreton Flats to facilitate STO transfers.

The net result would be, STO buses presently using
Wellington Street
, in front of the parliament Buildings will be eliminated.

Gatineau and STO are building their Bus Rapid Transit network as I speak, and it will shortly be joining
Alexandre-Taché Blvd.
  From there it is but a short distance to the Prince of Wales Bridge.

My Global vision for this plan is:
1-    In the off peak hours the bridge can be used for the trucks that now use King Edward by joining highway 50 to the bridge.  Imagine no trucks on King Edward Ave.

2-     These trucks can initially be distributed onto
Scott Street
, eventually onto Somerset and then to the Queensway.
Perhaps, we don’t need a downstream bridge to Quebec, -- and the money saved by not doing the Kettle Island Bridge can be applied to the Prince of Wales Bridge update.
      My forth vision is for another Greenbelt

What is it that makes Ottawa different and attractive to the residents and visitors of Ottawa?  The Greenbelt and the Ottawa Canal!   Two of the most visionary projects in the history of our city!

I recommended, a Second greenbelt some years ago, not to constrain growth, but to build on the strength of what we have today.  I was told, I was ahead of my time – it was too expensive. But now the time has come.

My vision will join together a number of environmentally sensitive areas.  Between these areas land for future community usage, such as hospitals will be available.  This will prevent another Beaver Pond Travesty and land values never go down.

My next vision deals with Garbage and the Environment

While many people see solid waste as a problem, I see it as a valuable resource
1-     The incineration of garbage to produce electricity is the path of the future. 

2-     Countries throughout Europe are operating this technology very successfully.

3-     Ontario Power Generation and the Ontario Energy Board must be involved with the Ministry of the Environment to provide a reasonable rate for energy from waste Facilities such as incinerators.

The proliferation of garbage collection vehicles (green bin, paper, plastic, and regular garbage pick up) is causing more environmental damage than the advanced incineration and scrubbing technologically - giving emissions far below the Provincial Standards. 

What % of our recyclables is going to the landfill?  Good question? 

There is something very biased when electricity from solar power is paid 44.3  cents per kilowatt by Ontario Power Generation, while they pay only 6 cents per kilowatt for electricity from the incinerators in Ontario.  Peel is the only incinerator in Ontario – why can’t we have more??  Another good Question!              (Ontario Power Authority 1800 797 9674)

I intend to resolve this unfair and uncompetitive situation that works against the best interests of Ottawa taxpayers.

If generated electricity can receive 20 cents per kilowatt, for example, then the tipping fee, paid for by the taxpayer will be significantly reduced.  Perhaps even taken off the tax bill altogether.

We are going to be paid for the garbage – not charged for the garbage.

Respect for the taxpayer has always been my standard.

Randall Denley is right!
Watson “has delivered little except well worn ideas that have limited relevance to the lives of ordinary people”

You know his record on financial constraint:  There wasn’t any.

Do you remember Watson’s vision on Lansdowne Park?  As Mayor, He wanted to sell it to developers for housing.  How’s that for vision?

He vehemently opposed the tunnel.  He stated again and again his opposition.  Then he flip flops and now is all for it. Where’s the vision.

 Now he supports LRT but refuses to discuss it. Who do you think can stop the out of control spending that LRT will dump on all of us?

Vision is a wonderful word that politicians throw about as if they just discovered the term. In fact Vision is an ability to foresee and plan for future events. 
One only needs to view the record of Mr. Watson, or Mr. O’Brien to see their visionary abilities.  Mr. O’Brien goes out of his way at each and every debate to call me a man of the 80’s who is out of date with the realities of today.  Yet, in the next breath he would like to introduce a ring road.

A Ring Road
?  Where have I heard that before?  Oh Yea!  It was my idea back in the 80’s. 

Mr. Watson and Mr. O’Brien want a tunnel in Centertown!  Visionary?  Hardly!  Another idea I had back in the 80’s. 

I want to be your Mayor to set the foundation for a pay as you go system here in Ottawa. 

Please make Andy Haydon the right choice.


  1. Andy was a visionary in the 80's and is still very much a visionary today. A straight and to the point platform. Multiple tax savings without false promises. Andy will set the City of Ottawa on the right course - and I'll bet that sooner rather than later, our City will be making money by the Bus load.

  2. Constructing a low dam/wier and a causeway/bridge by the Deschenes Rapids using material excavated from the transit tunnel is an excellent idea. Stabilizing the level of Lac Deschenes, generating power, providing a road connection - great multiple benefits. This would also be great for cyclists as it would connect pathways on both sides of the Ottawa River.

    The issue of waste management and landfill is a major issue. Using modern techniques to generate energy from waste is another excellent idea. A google search of this topic will show that it is becoming more common place in Europe. There appears to be several technologies being used, one of which is being pioneered at the Trail Road Site.


  3. Thank you for your comments. The Mayor you select has to have a Vision for this City.

  4. I'm disappointed that the Capital of Canada is looking to spend billions of dollars in 2010 on an idea that wasn't even progressive 30 years ago. Tunnels a hundred feet underground are regressive, and very expensive. Ottawa really is a beautiful city, that commuters (and tourists) should be able to see better, not rock and concrete walls as they travel around the city. This is 2010 people. We can construct a transportation system that is forward thinking, and the envy of other cities. I've thought about this for many years, as I have lived here for over 25, and seen the congestion, as the city expands. Even with intensification, the city will expand. No other option. We need a mechanism to move lots of people quickly, not just those who work downtown.
    Is mayoral candidate Haydon open to all ideas? I am open to sharing mine.

  5. What are your ideas JV? I am willing and wanting to listen.

  6. I live on Booth Street between Somerset, which is an entirely residential stretch of three blocks which is beset by major traffic from the Quebec side every day. Despite speed bumps and a light,
    we are surrounded by a toxic miasma of pollution. Your idea is to stream even more motorists in front of my house making it an unlivable neighbourhood, a neighbourhood that has been developed since the 1980s. The residents on Booth Street will never accept this as an option. It's a family neighbourhood under pressure from poor city planning like your suggestion. As it stands now, there are no trucks allowed on this street. There are school bus loading zones in front of our houses and you would like to turn our street into a highway.
