Friday, September 24, 2010

Debate Challenge for Jim Watson

Today, at the Kiwanis Club debate held at the Chateau Laurier, I challenged Jim Watson to a face-to-face debate on the sole issue of LRT vs BRT.  If Mr. Watson is so comitted to the Larry O'Brien LRT plan then I think this debate is the VERY least he can do for the tax payers of this city.  One-on-One, Face-to-Face, Fact against Fact!

Before spending Millions of your dollars on a needless venture I would like to provide Mr. Watson with the opportunity of defending his position on this very important, and expensive venture.

I am willing to make myself available, any time, any place of Mr. Watson's choosing.

Today, during the debate, the moderator's first question was:  Why is Andy wrong about LRT?  Not one of the candidates could coherently answer that question. This debate will give Mr. Watson another opportunity to respond.

I, along with the citizens of Ottawa await your response Mr. Watson.  You have my contact information and I look forward to hearing from you.

Please see my remarks, made to the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, below.

Andy Haydon

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